Blissful February--Inspiration Wherefore Art Thou? + Mosquitoes, Wherefore Art Thou Not?
Ok, maybe February isn't quite blissful, but it is a far cry from the dark corners of endless January, which seemingly stretched on into eternity. Now, red wine is back in my life, and yet inspiration eludes me. Oh, my 2020 goals! My dear sweet goals! I cling to them and pick through them now and again and wonder how on earth I will accomplish them. I sometimes feel afraid in the morning before I begin to write. A fresh daily dose of fear. So unlike me, is it not? Thoughts swirl around in my head. Ok, what should I write? Will it be good? Will it make sense? Knowing the helter skelter world that is my mind, probably not. I search for my inspiration in the lovely morning birdsong and the bottom of my cup of earl grey, and yet, I see only foggy ideas in front of me. But, perhaps, inspiration is just like that. I have these moments I see that I write down in my notebook, and they're lovely, excellent moments. Snippets of a story or a book or even a scene. And yet, what goes o...