
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Long Drawn Out Goodbye

I am a sentimental person. I think it comes from watching too many dramatic films, but it is also just me. And, I couldn't help but feel a warm fluttering as I drove away from our nation's capital with the Washington Monument in the background. I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I remember the first day I drove all of my stuff down and saw it and kept saying to myself, "I did it! I did it!" I have this annoying habit of forgetting that I accomplish things I set my mind to. I don't set my mind intensely to too many things because disappointment is too shattering for me, but there are a few things that I have been able to achieve because of my drive and focus. I wanted to move to DC. So, therefore, I did it. It was a difficult year. Probably my hardest transition experience yet. And, after a long long LONG bout of self-pity and a daily tear-stained face, I was able to "buck up" and accept my situation. I think I'll change 'able t...