A High-Strung Free Spirit

I've just stumbled across some disturbing news. I only have two viewers to my last and previous blog posts! And when you think that one of those could potentially be yourself, that's when it really gets sad...
So, here's to you, my two viewers: America cannot hold me for long! I will, to my extreme excitement and relief, be heading to Taiwan in August for another round of the ol' teaching! James will be doing the same. I know I am a stress head anyway, but I cannot express to you the deep stress that comes when trying desperately to find a solution to a long distance relationship (meaning move to the same place) and trying to find something that works for each person! But, James and I have been so lucky as to find a wonderful school that we are extremely excited to join!

I've realized that I'm a bit of an overdoser on exclamation points. I have become the resident email writer for special events for my office because they know I enjoy constructing them in a sarcastic, humorous, self-deprecating tone (my specialty). So, in the days of semi-blandness, I get a small bit of enjoyment out of being asked to write a humorous email where the old lawyers will respond with a snarky comment of your own. This has become my drug along with the use of exclamation points. Things can always be misread when written, so I try to make sure all of the emotions I'm sending are being correctly received! It reminds me of the scene in Seinfeld when Elaine breaks up with a guy because when he took a message about her friend having a baby and he didn't use an exclamation point! He starts to leave, and she yells, "See? I would put an exclamation point at the end of all of the sentences! (the ones she's yelling) On this one! And on that one!" It's brilliant. Oh no, I'm turning into my dad, who tells Seinfeld jokes to the general public but doesn't realize that hardly anyone else understands the joke. Oh well, he and I can have a good chuckle.

So, please. Forgive me for my lack of posts and should I say lack of INTERESTING POSTS. It has become blatantly obvious to me that my blog is far less well-received than previously. I will endeavor to improve and scrape along the bottom of my currently lackluster life to find some good material ;). I would love to be a writer all of the time, but I'm sorely feeling my lack of inspiration this past year. I'm hoping Taiwan will help to get that going!!

Let's see what I can come up with here. I'm one of those people that whenever they have a problem will Google it. I'd be so embarrassed to have someone read my internet pages. "10 Tips on How to Manage Time Effectively", "When You Can't Stop Worrying", and "How to be the Best Long Distance Girlfriend". I'm addicted to self-help! "What to Do When You Can't Get Enough Self-Help" is my next Google search... Alas, it doesn't really help because then I'll read them and think, "That's not me! I can't do that! Oh no, I haven't been doing that!" It's a mess. It's a sick twisted cycle. But, this habit has been fed by the fact that I have to monitor the front desk at certain points during the day at my current job, and I'm considering adding banging my head against the desk to the activities.  The normal receptionist has been here for 15 years, and that doesn't compute in my brain. How on Earth could you do this job for that long? I was chatting to someone online about a Roth IRA the other day. That's how bored I was. Anyway, my long-winded point is that I have a lot of time on my hands, thinking time. And, I don't know that it's healthy for me to have lots of thinking time because I'll think about EVERYTHING. "What will the food in Taiwan be like?" "Will there be earthquakes, and will we survive?" "What will I say on my deathbed? Will it be good? What will I do when my boss asks me something at work that I don't know how to do? What will I be when I grow up? Will I have enough money to retire?"
Ridiculous things! It's draining. I have a full-time job in worrying. But, I feel that I am also weirdly relaxed. Like, it doesn't bother me when I spill things or when I get stuck in traffic if I have nowhere to be or if I have to drive a long way to see a friend or if I have to pay a lot of money for a meal or if I need to move across the world for whatever reason. I'm the chillest you could get. But in many other things, I'm intense. My good friend put it in an excellent way the other day. "You are like a high-strung free spirit," she said. Wow, that's perfect! Because I know there are things that I feel very relaxed about; I just know it! haha So, if anyone ever complains about my stress, that's what I'll tell them. It's so official now; it's like I have a label! How useful. I do like organization and categorization.

Change is ahead and in the wind, and I feel a constant excitement in my stomach about it. I have a love/hate relationship with change. My mother loves her new kitchen, and it's beautiful, but it's sad to see the old one go. My friend is moving away to California, but I'm sad to see the friend group becoming pulled apart even further. Life was so easy when all you were doing was discussing boy girl dynamics after a game of awkwardly sexually tense bowling with your group of guy friends. I'm so wonderfully happy to be moving overseas again, but it will be a little tough to adjust to a new routine once more. Currently, I have a tea in the morning with a banana egg pancake and peanut butter. Routine is like my solace. So, now I'll have to do it all over again. It's scary, but if I admit it, it's also kind of exciting. I thought I truly wanted a no stress life with a no stress job and blah blah blah, but it's turned out to be the most stressful year of my life (all due to my own efforts). Grass is always greener and all that, but just make sure to appreciate what you have when you have it, even if it seems negative at the time. I recently read, "Who Moved My Cheese?" (Cheesiest story ever, ha ha ha), and it's all about adapting to change and how your reaction and attitude makes all of the difference. I've been living my life grasping so tightly to everything in the past that I waste my time mourning for things that will never be again, and I miss out on so many other delicious feelings and wonderful people.

So, despite this hazily written blog entry, keep your chin up! So many topics are on the horizon. The current political climate, my Dubai trip, my living in Lancaster for the summer, a hopeful writing career? We shall see...Talk to you soon, my two dedicated viewers (one of them most likely being myself). You'll be the ones I'll still keep in touch with when my first article is published...You lucky ducks, you.


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