Hello Sad, Depressing January!

We have recently returned from our awesome US trip back HOME to Malawi. It's nice to think of Malawi as home. That's the only way one can do it. Embrace your new homeland!

Currently, Malawi is in summer with daily rainstorms and beautiful greenery. It calmed and soothed our delirious jetlagged souls as we arrived out of the airport after our 52 hour journey (gross!), and we were happy to be back in our house with our cat who missed us greatly. Cats can miss people, you know!

But, soon after our arrival, once at least a bit of the fog of travel had disappeared, we both started to feel that usual January slump. Sure, we're depressed about the holidays being over. I hated and always hate saying goodbye to family and friends AGAIN after such an awesome time. But, I think that with the new year always comes the push to be more reflective on our lives, and both of us are doing just that.

We are considering whether our paths, mainly our career paths, are heading in the direction we want them to. Are we getting out of them what we want? Do we have goals for the future in mind that we can achieve? So many questions and uncertainties. Nothing new, I suppose, but it feels more pronounced in January. I've just written an article for the Ephrata Review about this.

Of course these feelings will be due in part to the fact that January is a slightly depressing month. And, we're taking a whole month away from alcohol. Oh, dear sweet, glass of red wine! How I long for you in these dark days. Maybe we'll start to feel better about our lives come February, once we're definitely back into sleeping well and properly, and the time for mourning the holidays is over.

But, I wonder, because I never know. How much is a good amount of reflection? How much is a normal amount of worrying about the future and what things you want to get done? At some point you just have to, as my parents always say, "keep plugging away". I totally hate that phrase because it makes it seem like you have to keep working towards some foggy, vague place even though nothing in your mind and heart is yet resolved.

But, I can at least tell you what goals I have for 2020, overwhelming though they may be. First, I would like to be the best person ever. Ok, just kidding, but that desire does hang in the back of my hand. Oh, perfection, why do you elude me so?

Real goals: This year, I would like to publish my own book on Kindle under my own name, or some derivative of it. Keri Summers, Lee Summers, Kerilee Brown, Summer Brown, so many options! I think Summer Brown is the coolest, so authory. Let me know if you have any suggestions. And, I would also like to start publishing serialized stories on one of my websites. Don't worry, I will share it with you once I start it off.

They say to write what you know, so I'm thinking of writing about a woman who desires to be a writer, but can't think of anything to write about. Clever, right? Sigh. Somewhat morbidly humorous, I suppose.

Well, I am looking forward to January's end! I imagine it would be a lot harder to stay positive in a cold January like in Pennsylvania, so I have at least the bright, sunshiny weather to thank for keeping us afloat as we start our journeys into the new year.

Happy New Year to all, and I hope you avoid the January blues as best you can!


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