Confessions of a Kind of Former Semi-Party Girl
I'm finally getting the chance to take the time to sit and write a more well-formed detailed blog entry. As life would have it, we no longer have internet in our house because we were being cheap and using a hot spot that cut out on us. So, I'm sitting outside at a "fancy" DC cafe with some newly made friends, finally having the chance to breathe after the whirlwind of the past few months. And a whirlwind it has been: new location, new job, new apartment, new acquaintances, new routines, new cultural reintroduction, new socially awkward moments, new adult life problems. But at last, I can say that my comfort level is rising slowly but surely, and I'm forming routines. I find myself making cheesy work jokes with coworkers and being able to join in on the work goss. I love the feeling of my OWN house key in my hand as I head home at the end of the day. I actually had a housewarming party last night with my roommate, and even though 95% of the people were her frien...